Way of working
When the present way of working does not work any more……..
Way of working
Team development
Personal coaching
Our purpose is to help the organisations to get stronger and future proof. With our psychological and technical backgrounds we help to change the mindset and the behaviour. While maintaining the strength. We put in the structure of the organsation, meeting structure and systems to support and anchor this process.

Murielle Heybroek
Team and talent developer
Murielle creates openness, depth and real contact. To dare to say what you think. In order to get further as an organisation/team or a person. Her strength is to sense where the willingness is and to use it to make people move. No nonsense, charming and keeping the primary process result in mind.

Ela Wichowska
Talent developer and change agent
Ela invites people to approach change in a positive way. She knows how to transform the complex situation into a little achievable steps. This how she gets people and teams in action. She goes into the depth looking for conversations that matter while keeping the result in mind. No nonsense with guts.

Frank Ottenhoff
Change agent and filmmaker
Frank tempts people to get into the driver’s seat during their change. He connects people to realize changes that matter. And he takes care that the strategy and the daily way of working in the organisations get alligned.
Allied with us
We work closely together with professionals who share our philosophy and way of working. Their expertise ranges from organisational development to HRM. They all focus on adjusting of ways of working in a way that people matter.

Nanning-Thijs Klok
Organisation developer
Brings tough problems to manageable proportions. Learning by doing and doing while learning instead of only talking or writing about. When there seems to be no choices. Deep individual programs as well as organisational changes inspire Nanning-Thijs

Hans Kieft
Organisation developer
It fascinates Hans why the things take other course than argreed. Preferably he figures out together with people individually and with teams what are the reasons, how it could go better and what can you learn from it. During this search he asks the questions which are not asked any more.

Judith Zielstra
Organisation consultant
Judith brings the organisational issues back to essence. The combination of analytical power, vigor, perseverance and relational sensitivity make that the advice she gives become reality. She enjoys working with issues in the areas of employee engagement, resilience, leadership and HR strategy, structure and management.

Gerard van Alteren
HR Consultant
The strength of Gerard van Alteren is to switch between the challenge of the organisation and how the teams and employees can contribute to it. Gerard is somebody who quickly makes a real connection with people. He is able to inspire and to guide the organisation, teams and employees to achieve their goals and organisational and talent development.